[Ubuntu-be] 1000 install sets express shipment request

Pascale Gorissen one.mail.to.rule.them.all at gmail.com
Fri May 19 20:23:27 BST 2006

Hi everyone !

Hum, there's some kind of debate here, and maybe is it appropriate for
me to give my point of vue.

First, the letter to Ubuntu.
I admit that I had reading it, as Cedric, mixed feelings about it. I
think Ubuntu-be was a challenge to overcome the difficulties caused by
the language boundaries in Belgium, or at least, that's what I
understood. Yes, it is really hard to coordinate everything between
our communities, but maybe would it be great to say "When doing
something in the name of Ubuntu-be, we do it for the whole country.".
So, instead of sending this letter right away, we should have
organised something like :
- A kind of leader for this shipit-cd-matter, the spokesman for the
whole Belgium, and that's him who would have send a letter to Ubuntu >
our image is then completely clear.
- A team for Flanders, because, there I agree with Mark, we must work
as efficiently as possible, and as one person cannot do everything
him/herself, we must work in teams.
- And a team for 'la Wallonie' (in english I do not know :-p), for the
same reasons.

Then, we reach another problem...
Cedric spoke about the non-answer-tendency of the members of
Ubuntu-be. I cannot deny this fact, because I am one of those who
read, and usually don't interfere... (My 'excuse' is not a really good
one, because I suppose it's the same for everyone of us : my exams are
dangerously coming closer, and I have to work in order to pass those
and have a summer devoted to free software ;-)).
That is a problem we must handle, or Ubuntu-be will not survive for a
long time, because each of us will one day (not so far from now)
wonder, as Cedric, "Was I right to have faith in Ubuntu-be?".

I have a proposition.
People should simply say "I'm available that much in that particular
period" in a specific thread. Then, we could see 1) Who has really the
willingness to give a hand, 2) Who has more or less time to give to
Ubuntu-be and in which way, 3) Dispatch the different responsabilies
according to the preceding data collected.
Maybe create a google calendar in this purpose?

I don't, that's just some thoughts I throw, you're free to forget
those right now. Apart from my scout movement, I don't have experience
concerning work in group of people, it's possible that my words are a
bunch of nonsense.

Excuse my poor english, I'm quite tired tonight. :-p

Yours sincerely,

Pascale / Alessa

2006/5/19, Cedric Janssens <decirc at gmail.com>:
> Well... I've proposed to organize the Dapper Party in Belgium and get... let
> me count....; zero answer....
> I've proposed a list of french AND nederlands contacts in press, specialized
> or not (but with a -rubrique- about new technologies) but no one is
> interested...
> I've bought one hundred blank printable cd to distribute them to press and
> people present and got... one reaction....
> And then I read a mail sent to ubuntu about the sent of cd in Belgium for
> Flanders only.
> I never talk about the map, I've talk about the contact to ubuntu about the
> "flemish ubuntu users" asking to send cd to them, and then, french speaking
> people will had to ask also a pack of cd.... What a nice image sent to the
> outside.... (we are making a united ubuntu group, but please, could you send
> your cd in two parts ?")
> I have no problem with the map, of course, nice idea... wonderful
> idea....... Of course it's useful to have two maps regarding language (who
> talk about one map bilingual, with different colors for contacts following
> the language they speak ?)
> I found very interesting to find nederlandstalige mensen in Waterloo to help
> people living there and speaking Dutch....
> But I was totally despited when reading the letter to Ubuntu....
> Honnestly when I read this, I think I was not really present at the Fosdem
> meeting and I didn't really heard about the creation of ubuntu-be...
> I'm asking to myself if it's was a error from me to believe in ubuntu
> belgium....
> Regards
> Cedric
> 2006/5/19, Marc Portier <mpo at outerthought.org >:
> >
> >
> > Cedric Janssens wrote:
> > > Huh... ubuntu-nl-be and ubuntu-fr-be ?
> > > And then ubuntu-nl-ov-be and ubuntu-nl-wv-be and ubuntu-nl-li ?
> > >
> >
> > Cedric, what is it you are trying to achieve?
> >
> > If it's trying to intrepret the good intentions Mark is having then you
> > might try reading his mentioning of 'nl-be' and 'fr-be' as the honest
> > and cultural-bias-free and thus neutral: 'dutch-speaking belgium' and
> > 'french-speeking belgium' (not 'Vlaanderen' and 'La Wallonie')
> >
> >
> > Please. In this country everybody is bound to be a natural member of ONE
> > of it's communities,
> > - if he/she stands up as such and does something inside/for that
> > community,
> > - if he/she speaks up and uses ONE language,
> > THEN could it please NOT be regarded as an act of discrimination against
> > the OTHER community?
> >
> >
> > If you re-read his orginal posting you might see that his mentioning of
> > the region was only as some background info, an indication of current
> > reality and as an argument for the proposed figure of ordered cd's...
> >
> >
> > As far as I see it: Mark is trying to do something good with the means
> > and objectives he can oversee, commit to things he can deliver.
> >
> >
> > As for your original question about regional versus national: in terms
> > of effectiveness I think the kind of *personal-individual*
> > contact/mobilization Mark is realizing with his initiative will probably
> > do more then any regional, national or international action IMHO.
> >
> >
> > I also read in his reply there is a wide open hand to jump on the wagon
> > (and help it push if possible). From that angle your remark above is
> > less helpfull then the one below:
> >
> >
> > > Why not press cd by ourselves ?  I'm discussing about it with Ben who is
> > > working is in domain....
> > >
> >
> > Interesting thought. Sounds like there is going to be a sure cost to be
> > covered though, which probably brings the sponsoring idea back on the
> > table...
> >
> > regards,
> > -marc=
> >
> > > cEd
> > >
> > >
> > > 2006/5/19, Mark Van den Borre <mvdborre at gmail.com
> > > <mailto:mvdborre at gmail.com>>:
> > >
> > >     On 5/19/06, Cedric Janssens < decirc at gmail.com
> > >     <mailto:decirc at gmail.com>> wrote:
> > >     >
> > >     > I don't really understand the reason to limit it to Flanders....
> > >     > Shouldn't we plan to do national actions in place of regional one
> ?
> > >     I have code ready for a FR-BE map, but no translations. Pierre is
> > >     going to work on those on sunday. He has no intention of starting to
> > >     recruit FR speaking support points.
> > >
> > >     I'm doing that job for NL-BE. I really hope someone is willing to do
> > >     something similar for FR-BE. It takes quite a bit of effort, even if
> > >     you're firmly entrenched in the digital freedom community, but it's
> > >     really satisfying to see the support grow.
> > >
> > >     Mark
> > >     --
> > >     Mark Van den Borre
> > >     Noormannenstraat 113
> > >     3000 Leuven, België
> > >     +32 486 961726
> > >
> > >     --
> > >     ubuntu-be mailing list
> > >     ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
> > >     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Marc Portier
> http://outerthought.org/
> > Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
> > Read my weblog at                http://blogs.cocoondev.org/mpo/
> > mpo at outerthought.org                              mpo at apache.org
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-be mailing list
> > ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
> >
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

Pascale Gorissen

010/41.19.54 - 0485/64.14.11

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