[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be at the Community Council

Cedric Janssens decirc at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 08:54:11 BST 2006

Lionel, I confim here I will be present.
My holiday was approved this morning.
My responsible think I'm totally geek to take holidays for Ubuntu
intervention (I've also take holiday for 1st and 2nd of June to be
sure to give maximum help for Dapper Release Party).

Best regards

2006/3/27, Lionel Dricot <ploum at ubuntu.com>:
> Hello,
> In order to have the official ubuntu-be domain and lot of other cool
> stuff, I think it's important that we become an official loco-team.
> In order to do this, we have to show us at the Community Council of
> April 3rd :
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda
> I suggest that, for this date, we could show :
> - a first and simple version of our website. (I cannot connect to it
> anymore (just me ?) but I was loving the CMSMS theme. Really great.)
> - a 10 line summary of all ideas we have discussed here on this list.
> - a list of planned or already done Real-life activities were some of us
> were active as Ubunteros and were we could pretend to be "Ubuntu-be
> members" if we were an official LocoTeam.
> Unfortunatly, I have a job interview the 3rd so I will not be present at
> the meeting. If you can (and want ;-) )represent Ubuntu-be to this
> meeting, let me know (with your Launchpad accound name)
> I will send a mail with all our informations to the Ubuntu LocoTeam
> responsible on April 2nd. I will also add the name of 3 or 4 people that
> will represent us. (altought everyone is welcome)
> Cheers,
> Lionel
> PS : sorry for my inactivity, but I want my diploma at the end of this
> year ;-)
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

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