[Ubuntu-be] Mark's ideas for ubuntu-be

François Schoubben fsc at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Mar 20 13:41:41 GMT 2006

>>>>Hi Cassidy,
>>>>I've followed the link and read some articles in your blog.
>>>>Do you have a scanned version of this article ?
>>>>I'm very interested, and it could be interesting for the press book of
>>>>Ubuntu in Belgium.
>>>Indeed, that could be very interesting.
>>>I have no more the article but i can try to have it back.
>>I do have it _if needed_ (see below), and if you are a member, it's 
>>there (pdf):
> You are a member?
> I'am not and it would be better if it's a member who send the mail to
> ask.

I've asked T-A (i'm member of them) and i need a written answer form the 
technical journalist. I have his mail, i'm contacting him soon. It's not 
impossible that we'll have the right to do it :-)


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