[Ubuntu-be] Mark's ideas for ubuntu-be

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Fri Mar 3 19:53:19 GMT 2006

Op vr, 03-03-2006 te 13:11 +0100, schreef Mark Van den Borre:
> * Communication with ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-fr,... 
> > > > We also need people to be "liaisons" to related Ubuntu teams, e.g.
> > > > ubuntu-nl/ubuntu-fr (and maybe also to other groups of people?).  We
> > > > should co-ordinate with them so that we don't do any unnecessary 
> > > > duplicate efforts...
> > > > Call it an "internal relations team" or something like that...   ;-)
> I smell overhead here. I would just trust people on ubuntu-nl and
> ubuntu-fr to cc their important messages to ubuntu-be. 

I was more or less joking here, but there must be some people that make
sure it happens.  I was already planning to take care that relevant
information flows from and to ubuntu-nl.  I know Lionel and some others
are part of ubuntu-fr too.  But I'm not sure if we have any ubuntu-de

Jan Claeys

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