[Ubuntu-be] First ideas

Gorissen Pascale one.mail.to.rule.them.all at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 11:35:02 GMT 2006

Hi everyone!

I'm Pascale (aka Alessa) and I was at Fosdem to hear our dear Ploum (and
bring a computer for nothing to help him in his presentation...).

I really enjoyed the speech (not only because Jeff Waugh was sitting next to
me) because Ploum insisted also on the non-geek side of the thing. Actually
I'm really poor in geeky skills, but I do my best to improve...

Consequently, I'd like to help in the 'public relations' things. If there's
texts to write, people to contact, (and stuff like that :-D) it'll be a
pleasure for me to work on it.
I study modern languages (french and english), so if there's a need for
someone speeking english, I would be also delighted.

Nice day to you all!


2006/3/2, Grégoire Vigneron <gregoir at scarlet.be>:
> Hello,
> My name is Gregoire Vigneron (Gregware).
> Using Ubuntu since March 2005, Wow it is my ubunteros anniversary!!
> Coooool :-D
> I'm good (not a god) with CSS and design and will be very happy to do
> this!
> Gregware.
> Pierre Buyle a écrit :
> >Hi,
> >
> >I probably can help with the website, so add me in the website team.
> >And if nobody with more motiviation comes up, I can also be the main
> >webmaster. Like many people here (I guess), I've past experience with
> >different CMS engine, mostly using PHP+MySQL. Namely phpNuke,
> >postnuke, nucleuscms, PmWiki and some others I forgot about.
> >
> >Concerning the choice of a CMS, it seems to me that a (light)
> >requirements analysis is the first thing to do (eg: which features are
> >needed and why, how will the site be structured, etc.). Almost every
> >CMS (except specialised one) can fit to what I've read about the
> >Ubuntu-be site. Refinement of the needs could probably lead to a wiser
> >choice.
> >
> >Hoi,
> >
> >Je peux probablement aider pour le site web, on peut donc m'ajouter
> >dans l'équipe web. Si personne avec plus de motiviation ne se propose,
> >je peux aussi être le webmaster principal. Comme bcp d'autres ici (je
> >superpose), j'ai déjà utilisé plusieurs CMS, principalement en
> >PHP+MySQL. À savoir phpNuke, postnuke, nucleuscms, PmWiki et quelques
> >autres que j'ai oubliés.
> >
> >En ce qui concerne le choix d'un CMS, il me semble qu'une analyse
> >(légère) des besoins serait la première chose à faire (ex: Quelle sont
> >les fonctionnalités requises et pourquoi, quelle sera la structure
> >(basique) du site, etc.). Presque tous les CMS peuvent correspondre à
> >ce que j'ai lu concernant le site web Ubuntu-be. L'élicitation des
> >besoins conduira probablement à un meilleur choix.
> >
> >On 3/2/06, Patrick Coeman <patrick.coeman at 171.be> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>Ik schenk bij deze 1GB diskruimte voor de website en eventuele mailboxen
> >>en een domeinnaam naar keuze. Zeg maar wat het moet worden en/of welke
> >>domeinnaam er eventueel al is gereserveerd. Het is een debian server. Er
> >>kan zo zonder veel gedonder een 45tal opensource php pakketten
> >>geinstalleerd worden. (zie http://www.installatron.com). Als er een
> >>ander moet gebruikt worden, doe maar.
> >>
> >>Patje
> >>
> >>Lionel Dricot wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Website :
> >>>
> >>>- I suggest that we make a website team. We need hosting. I've heard
> >>>that someone can provide it. I can it too.
> >>>I suggest that we use CMSMS http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/home.shtml  to
> >>>build the site. With each language as the main category then with
> >>>sub-categories.
> >>>We will need some CSS gurus to make a good looking website :-)
> >>>
> >>>Who want to be the main webmaster ? The main webmaster will be
> >>>responsible for the installation, the maintenance and the managment of
> >>>the CMS (including managing permissions for different people)
> >>>Who want to take part in the design team ?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Thank you all for your motivation :-)
> >>>
> >>>Ploum
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>--
> >>ubuntu-be mailing list
> >>ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> >>https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Grégoire Vigneron
> gregoir at scarlet.be
> http://www.autourde.be
> http://www.nirvanet.be
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

Pascale Gorissen

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