[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be, the Belgian Ubuntu Community

Lionel Dricot ploum at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 1 11:25:31 GMT 2006

Dear french fries and beer lovers,

Belgian Ubuntu users are happy to announce you the creation of
Ubuntu-be, a community devoted to spread Ubuntu in our little but lovely
country : BELGIUM !  (the be in Ubuntu-be stand for BElgium, not BEer)

The goals of Ubuntu-be are :

- Spreading Ubuntu love accross the country
- Manage Ubuntu public relations and press relations in Belgium
- Represent officialy Ubuntu in Belgium
- Help people to find the best ressources related to Ubuntu, in real
life (list of Ubuntu friendly companies, ... ) or on the web (redirect
to ubuntu-fr, ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-de)
- Nederlandstaligen e-mails lezen en schrijven om nederlands van
franstaligen mensen te verbeteren.
- Lire et écrire des e-mails en français pour améliorer le français des

The first Ubuntu meeting took place on Sat 25 february 2006 in Brussel
(at FOSDEM). 
Slides are available here :
http://ploum.frimouvy.org/images/ubuntube/ubuntu-be.sxi (2Mo)
Pictures & a short movie can be seen here :

If you are interested, just join this mailing list. We accept messages
in dutch, french and german. Of course, english is tolerated for lazy
people that don't want to translate their messages three times.

We are a little country with not much people and much different
languages. But we have also a lot of beer, a lot of love for Ubuntu and
we will have a lot of fun. 

Let's go for rock-n-roll !

Lionel Dricot, aka Ploum

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