[Ubuntu-be] BelgianTeam/TODO

Grégoire Vigneron gregoir at scarlet.be
Sat Jun 24 10:05:09 BST 2006

I'm ok to create the banner in 4 sizes or more if it's needed :

Horizontal: 468 by 60 px
Vertical: 120 by 240 px
Skyscraper: 120 by 600 px
Button: 88 x 31 px


Mark Van den Borre a écrit :
> On 6/23/06, Pierre Buyle <mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> On the Wiki, the TODO was containing and entry for the Dapper Press
>> Release. I assume this is done, so I removed it. I also changed the
>> website entry. But it mostly reflect my opinion and maybe you would
>> like to discuss it a little more.
> * website (ubuntu-be.org):
> A new standard compliant (XHTML, CSS and accessibility) CMS-MS
> template. XHTML, CSS and Smarty (PHP template engine) skills needed.
> not a priority
> * Content writing/translation/etc.
>  * Synch nl and fr content/struture
>   syncing costs energy; as long as everything is there and clear,
> that should be ok for now
>  * Tranlate fr/nl content to de and en
>   DE, EN, TR, KU, AR: if someone someone commits to this for at least
> a year, ok, otherwise just don't bother
>  * Translated mission statements in nl, fr, de, en (see
> BelgianTeam/MissionStatementFR & BelgianTeam/MissionStatementNL wich
> should be merged in single BelgianTeam/MissionStatement)
>   already there; the nl and fr versions were derived from the
> original en document on launchpad
>  * Enteprise support (with link to [WWW] the marketplace) in the
> "Support" pages.
>    already there, at least for nl
>  * banner:
>    * create it
>     anyone?
>    * distribute banner as widely as possible
>     has to wait for the banner itself
> * Documentation
>  * Check with each local communities that it's OK to have a "Belgium"
> page linking to belgium related documentations.
>   You mean with each language community?
> * Write a decent content on the "Belgium" pages of linguistic wikies
> (ubuntu-fr/nl/de/en) with link to belgium related documentations
> (banking, adsl modem, etc.)
> Has to wait for the docs themselves.
> * Write belgium related documentation (banking, adsl modem, etc.)
>  Maybe this could grow out of the answered questions from the support
> points ticketing system?
> * Support points map:
>  * Fix bugs (see [WWW]
> https://launchpad.net/products/support.points.map/+bugs) in the
> Running bzr Branch (see [WWW]
> https://launchpad.net/people/mapdevs/+branch/support.points.map/running).
>  We should go for the complete rewrite as you suggested. We have
> something that more or less works now, but it's a dead end and fairly
> simple to get feature parity from something new. Developer resources
> are scarce. Two simultaneaous efforts makes no sense.
> * Support points volunteer manual BelgianTeam/SupportPoints: extend,
> make it into clean, well written en, then translate in fr, nl, de.
> Priority should clearly be with the EN document.
> * Extend the network
> We should rather enhance the quality right now: measure how well we
> answer requests. A good ticketing system is key.
> Mark

Grégoire Vigneron
Av. Houba de Strooper 103,
1020 Bruxelles

Tel.: 02 537 80 21
GSM: 0485 57 30 42

gregoir at scarlet.be


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