[Ubuntu-be] Support
rr at lilit.be
Wed Jun 14 05:35:29 BST 2006
Le Mardi 13 Juin 2006 20:24, Cedric Janssens a écrit :
> Is this company referenced somewhere on our site ?
> http://www.shscomputer.be/linux.php
> It's really interesting.
Well... sort of..
1° You should read the banner above little Tux : yes, SHS is indeed one
of those companies wasting my taxes with Mr Vanvelthoven's bless :-(
Cedric, it would be interesting to ask them if you can get your
"internet PC" with Ubuntu instead of WindowsXP, and how much licence
fees you would save.. ;-)
2° We had several customers coming at our Install Parties in Liege. It
seems their default installation of Kubuntu is weird, and we found big
NTFS partitions with an unactived Windows..
LiLiT thinks their initiative should be supported by giving a few
advices and/or a demo, but on the other hand, we don't want to become
their external benevolent support service.
If ubuntu-be wants to do it, go ahead ! And keep us informed.
3° Nice initiative but things should be put in perpective when reading
page "linux.php" :
* "SHS Computer est fier de pouvoir participer à l'évolution du logiciel
libre". Well, I am not aware of any real contribution of SHS to free
software development.
* "nous sommes donc dans une période de tests et de mise au point. Pour
ces raisons il nous est impossible de vous garantir un fonctionnement
parfait de votre PC sous Linux." This sentence is there for months. And
when reading : "...ne peut donc en aucun cas être tenu responsable de
quelques dysfonctionnements software. Vous pouvez toujours repasser à
Windows sans le moindre problème.", things are quite clear about their
level of "support".
* when reading the arguments on this page, I can hardly understand their
involvment in the "Internet pour tous" campaign.
Conclusion : I hope they will improve it but, right now, SHS is not
doing a better job than those computer shops offering non pre-installed
PCs with guaranted Linux-compatible hardware.
If Thierry gets a better experience, I would be interested to know.
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!
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