[Ubuntu-be] support.points.map status

Pierre Buyle mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 20:17:53 BST 2006


For various reason, I hadn't the time to do all the work I expected
last week. So there is no great news for the support points map. I've
a working supporter register form (no edit) and started to work on the
contact form.

If you have some PHP/Javascript + XHTML skills you can help.

in PHP, your mission, if you accept it, is the write well structured
PHP code that
- use an array of "distribution point" objects as input. The objects
will have the following attributes: name, latitude, longitude,
zipcode, street and id
- Generate an XHTML page containing
 - The list of these "distribution points" rendered in XHTML elements
using the "distributionpoint" classe. The list must have his own XHTML
id and each distribution point an XHTML id of the form
distributionpoint_<id> where <id> is the id attribute of the rendered
 - In a "distributionpoint", when rendered, each attribute of an
object must be enclosed in a <span class="attributename"> for JS
 - An empty div with id=ubuntu-map
 - The import of a to be write javascript file
 - Near the start of the page, a small javascript to add the "display:
hide" style the to XHTML list.
 - An JS onload call to the init_map() function

in Javascript your mission, if you accept it, is the write well
structured JS code with the following functions
- init_map
 Initialise a Gmap map "into" the ubuntu-map div and call update_map
- update_map
 Looks for all XHTML element using th "distributionpoint" class. For
each of these element create a GMap marker from the data into the
element (use the DOM) that show the corresponding XHTML element when
clicked. Add these markers to the map into the ubuntu-map div.

I'm open to suggestion and (construcive) criticism. If you plan to
write some code, feel free the arrange these requirments if you think
of a better solution.

PS: For XHTML elements looking, I've seen moo.dom
(http://moodom.mad4milk.net/) that let you use CSS selectors to get
DOM elements.

mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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