[Ubuntu-be] getting your share of the (first part of) the mass CD shipment

Mark Van den Borre mvdborre at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 14:05:44 BST 2006

On 7/1/06, Snulkid <rr at lilit.be> wrote:
> Salut

> > Si vous pouviez désigner un volontaire pour faire le dispatching
> > local (je pense surtout au Lilit pour Liège), n'hésitez pas à
> > répondre à ce mail, ou au sien en privé pour vous mettre d'accord.
> 1° LiLiT en tant que LUG n'est pas impliqué dans ubuntu-be. Par contre,
> d'après mes éminents confrères de notre comité, nous aurions, lors de
> la visite à Leuven fin mai, obtenu de Mark d'ajouter une centaine de
> CDs **pour LiLiT** à la commande ubuntu-be. Pas de confirmation de
> Mark, interrogé hier.
> 2° On a proposé à Mark d'en prendre livraison à Leuven, comme convenu
> lors de la commande :
> Le Mardi 30 Mai 2006 22:11, Mark Van den Borre a écrit :
> > > LiLiT members will take care of distributing them to all supports
> > > points close to Liege, if needed. (...)
> > > If you need an official request from Liege people, just ask.
> >
> > OK. Will 300 more do? You or someone you appoint handles the
> > logistics of getting them to Liège.
> Mark a préféré passer par ton frère; dans ce cas il faudra passer les
> déposer :
> * soit au MiHuy (http://www.mihuy.be) demain (stand au fond de la salle)
> * soit à la Fédé (http://www.fede-ulg.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=16)
> en disant "c'est pour LiLiT" même si ce n'est pas vrai, pour
> simplifier!
> Maintenant la question à 5 F, au vu des "légères divergences" dans les
> chiffres qui précédent : à qui sont destinés les CDs que ton frère
> déposerait ? Pour chaque destinataire : combien doit-il en recevoir ?

I will try to repeat the information that I gave, spread over many
previous messages. That might make things more clear to all of you.

* The general consensus was that if we were eligible, one mass order
for the entire country would be best.
* I volunteered to follow this up with shipit. There was a consensus about this.
* I received confirmation from shipit that we were eligible and
informed the list.
*  decided on how many CD's to order.
* I asked shipit for our order (110 volunteers at that time * 10 CD's
+ 500 for events: 1600 CD's).
* Shipit could only get me a limited quantity for the first shipment:
800 Ubuntu CD's. I also received 100 Edubuntu CD's. More will follow
* I tried to spread the (too few) CD's received as efficiently as
possible, but slightly overallocated Antwerpen, Oost-Vlaanderen and
West-Vlaanderen. I communicated this to the list.
* I talked on the phone to someone from lilit about distribution to
Liège. We found out that it was not possible for us to hand over the
CD's at Leuven railway station on friday evening. I suggested abusing
Guillaume Schoubben as a courier and he agreed. I communicated this
last thing to the list, and sent a private message referencing this to
* I created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/DapperShipment1 to
document the distribution process for future improvements. I
communicated this to the list.
* As you can see on the above url, the current situation is that
Guillaume Schoubben has 250 Ubuntu and 30 Edubuntu CD's. He is passing
by Liège on monday, and needs someone to deliver to for further
distribution in and around Liège.

Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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