[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu-be.org working summit 2007/01/06, Leuven

Mark Van den Borre mvdborre at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 17:45:54 GMT 2006

2006/12/17, Mark Van den Borre <mvdborre at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> Please accept this invitation to the first ubuntu-be.org working summit of 2007.
> WHEN: Saturday 2007/01/06, 15.OO
> FOR WHOM: everyone who wants to _actively_ help Ubuntu grow in Belgium
> WHERE: Leuven, my place OR in case we are > 6, a nearby school with lots of room
Please mail the list with me in cc if you are planning to come.

Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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