[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu stickers

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Dec 5 17:00:39 GMT 2006

Op dinsdag 05-12-2006 om 15:01 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Frank
> If anyone can ship more than one (I'd need 4 of them for my collegues
> at work) to Bram, I live just around the corner, so only one "Gent"
> shipment needs to be done :) 

I still have a lot of those stickers, and everybody can order them by
sending me an S.A.E. or can get some by meeting me.  So, maybe some
Ubuntu people want to meet me somewhere in Ghent to have a drink?  We
just need to find a date & time...   ;-)

Jan Claeys

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