[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu stickers

Frank Louwers frank at openminds.be
Tue Dec 5 15:03:13 GMT 2006

Floris Lambrechts wrote:
> On 12/5/06, Frank Louwers <frank at openminds.be> wrote:
>> Bram Biesbrouck wrote:
>>> Hmm, I pass in the Mechelen train station every morning, but I guess that's a
>>> little difficult.
>>> If someone wants to take the trouble:
>>> Bram Biesbrouck
>>> Snoekstraat 133
>>> 9000 Gent
>>> Gratefullness expressed in amounts of beer always possible @Gent.
>> If anyone can ship more than one (I'd need 4 of them for my collegues at
>> work) to Bram, I live just around the corner, so only one "Gent"
>> shipment needs to be done :)
> I'll check this evening if I have more than 4...

We are talking about the laptop stickers are we? Or the regular
rectangular Ubuntu stickers that come with the shipp-it shipments?

> Floris

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