[Ubuntu-be] DIPRO computerbeurzen in de komende weken

Toni Van Remortel ToniVR at telenet.be
Sun Aug 27 19:48:25 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-08-27 at 19:36 +0200, Cedric Janssens wrote:
> Well... now, just have to find someone to create the pdf :-)
> Is there some requirement ? Version of PDF ? 1.4 ? 

The only requirement for a decent quality, is that you create everything
in a vector format. Convert that to PDF without rendering (so that all
info is maintained in vector format). Don't know about free PDF
conversion tools, but Adobe Acrobat does that job perfectly.

I uploaded some SVG's to http://free.extreme-alternative.org/images/ :
- Ubuntu logo (with and without text)
- Kubuntu logo (with and without text)
- Tux

Have fun!
Toni Van Remortel <ToniVR at telenet.be>

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