[Ubuntu-be] updating my data on the supportpoints map

Adriaan Leijnse lordmyth at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 17:05:51 BST 2006

Mongolito and a couple of others maybe are working on a new, decent
map system, maybe you should just wait untill that's done or sumthing.

2006/8/18, Amedee Van Gasse <amedee at amedee.be>:
> Hello,
> On the map I appear to have only burned cds, but I also have pressed
> cds:
> 4       Ubuntu 6.06 x86
> 1       Ubuntu 6.06 Mac
> 3       Edubuntu 6.06
> 6       Kubuntu 6.06 x86
> 1       Kubuntu 6.06 64
> 7       Ubuntu 5.10 x86
> 10      Ubuntu 5.10 64
> 2       Ubuntu 5.10 Mac
> 1       Ubuntu 5.04 64
> Also, I'm house hunting so my location could change in a couple of
> months. How can I change all of this on the map?
> By the way, what can I do with those older cds?
> --
> Amedee Van Gasse
> amedee at amedee.be
> --
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