[Ubuntu-be] getting your share of the (first part of) the mass CD shipment

François Schoubben fsc at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Aug 1 11:46:01 BST 2006

Snulkid a écrit :
> Hi
> Le Samedi 1 Juillet 2006 14:46, François Schoubben a écrit :
 > [Kouik][snip snip snip]
>>interesting, if new ISO are made... It seems there are lots of bugs
>>in the Installer, and that's _not_ a good thing for Ubuntu.
> Ah bon!?? Peux-tu nous en dire plus? Des bugs à quel niveau?

I've finally remembered to reply... It's there :
reminded to me by:

Summary : new Images CD for "this week" mostly due to installer bugs. 
They want a new batch of CD for shipit, but they dont know yet if the 
free shipit will be offered for Edgy.

BTW, my brother and I still have CD if somebody need it...

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