[Ubuntu-BD] Lots of website is not opening

Md. Minhazul Haque mdminhazulhaque at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 17:28:38 UTC 2015

Dear Sazzad,

Can you try changing MTU of your Ethernet device and try again?

I had a similar issue. Sites were loading fine on Windows, but showed blank
page on Linux. So I ran

sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1400 up

And it worked! It might be eth1 if you have modem or secondary adapter, or
ppp0 if you have 3G modem.

*Md. Minhazul Haque*
Rajshahi, Bangladesh

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Sazzad Riyadh <sazzadriyadh at gmail.com>

> Assalamualaikum
> I installed Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit several months ago. But I faced a problem
> from the time of installation. The problem is lots of websites is not
> opening. Wesites like: coursera.com, edx.com, addons.mozilla.org,
> prothomalojobs.com and many more important other websites. But all these
> websites are working perfectly in windows 7. I don't know what is the real
> problem. This kind of problem didn't exist while I was using Ubuntu 12.04.
> Also the add on pages of mozilla firefox is blank. But in windows I can see
> the add ons and install them easily. For better understanding I am
> attaching an image.
> Please give me some suggestion for solving this problem.
> Regards
> Sazzad Riyadh
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd

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