[Ubuntu-BD] Unity - what to do with it

Kamrul Ahsan rabin_etc at yahoo.com
Wed May 23 04:30:05 UTC 2012

 From: M. Adnan Quaium <adnan.quaium at ubuntu-bd.org>
To: Ubuntu Bangladesh <ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] Unity - what to do with it
It seems that, you have posted same email twice with two different subject
lines [1] [2]. The second one was sent after 15 minutes of sending the
first one. Why did you post two same emails with different subjects?

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bd/2012-May/011358.html
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bd/2012-May/011359.html

Two different subject lines create two different threads. As there are two
different threads, there is a possibility that the discussion will be
spitted up. As a result you may not get the exact picture of the discussion
rather a portion of the whole discussion and it affects all the members of
this thread. That's not desirable at all.

So please, do not do this in future. Thank you!

On 22 May 2012 16:26, zia mohi <ziamohi777 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know what the hell Canonical is thinking!  What are they doing?
> They have taken all the fun of Gnome 2 away with Unity. I have cried while
> erasing Ubuntu 12.04 off my hard drive. Linux Mint 13 seems the only option
> to keep me with Linux now. Can't believe - all the preaching I have done to
> my friends supporting Ubuntu and now I am without it. I hate you Canonical.
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd

M. Adnan Quaium | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/maqtanim
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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