[Ubuntu-BD] ``সফটওয়্যার মুক্তি দিবস – ২০১১” তে বাংলাদেশে উৎসব আয়োজন

maSnun masnun at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 07:09:41 UTC 2011

Yes, I understand that. I also didn't say anything about the price this
time. In fact, I rather praised the pricing scheme as fair. But it all took
the turn when Shamim vai fired up about the pricing issue. Though he didn't
mean to attack, the issue was not probably necessary in this thread.

We can all leave this topic here. But if anyone is not complaining, it's
better to let go the past memories. We all have our pasts, not that those
are always clean :)

Have a nice day!

2011/9/21 Nasimul Haque <nasim.haque at gmail.com>

> It is perfectly OK if someone wants to sell CD/DVD of Linux distros
> with a very high price for business. There is nothing wrong in it.
> There is no restriction in GPL that says you cannot/should not sell
> Linux at a higher price. I, myself, work on a customized embedded
> Linux that is sold at a very expensive price. Let the customer decide
> whether they'll buy a CD or download it free from the internet.
> I don't see any problem if fossbd charges 1000 tk per CD if they want.
> As a customer I will decide whether it is a good price to pay or not.
> If I can't justify the price, I will not buy it. It's just that
> simple.
> On a side note, I have seen people buying a single CD/DVD with paying
> shipping cost themselves. It's customer's choice. It's completely upto
> a customer whether s/he buys an american edition of a book in amazon
> or a cheaper indian edition from bookstore or a photocopy edition from
> nilkhet.
> Selling a Linux distro is not evil. People buy it because they need
> it. No one has forced them to buy it. We can discuss on the quality of
> the product at the asking price. Please don't be mistaken that no one
> can/should sell Linux CDs at a higher price.
> --
> M. Nasimul Haque
> Appliansys, Coventry, UK
> http://www.nasim.me.uk
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd

Abu Ashraf Masnun | +8801711960803 | http://masnun.com <http://masnun.com>

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