[Ubuntu-BD] FOSS & Ubuntu in Bangladesh

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Sun May 15 04:14:04 UTC 2011

Dear Sumon bhai,
I hope you are taking our email responses as constructive
conversation/debate raher than tounge lashing.
Saying that I would like to point out that I think you have
misunderstood Nasim bhai's point of switching app/platform due to
software/system dependability

What Nasim bhai as pointed out that
If you have thousands of content based on propritory format/app it
won't work properly on foss apps. Even simple word document created in
MS office won't retain its formating objects  formulas properly in ooo
or libraoffice. Converting one or two bijoy document is not a problem,
but think of converring all those thousands article you have
collected/prepared for last ten fifteen years.
I dont have proprietory codec installed on my system. I have converted
my 5gb+- song and video collection to open format like ogg and ogv. It
took me around 2 months to finish converting. Now whenever I download
something I convert it to open format. Now imagine a user who has
collection of around 200gb proprietory contents. Will the user be
interested to convert all his content to open source one? I highly
doubt it.

Thats why beside promoting openness we should promote usability
functionality of open source apps. And if any interested users (not
just tasters who want to taste how is linux) spend reasonable amount
of time s/he will find the usability and functionalty. People have
alreaey adopted many open source app unknowingly since they found
value in using it. We must promote the value.

Wanna help us how we can add/promote value please drop us a line

Thanking you,
Shahriar Tariq

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance <http://linux.org.bd>

Team Contact, Ubuntu Bangladesh <https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-bd>

Founding Member, Amigos Clothing <http://amigosclothing.com/>
Personal Blog: আশাবাদীর দিনপঞ্জিকা <http://www.ashabadi.com/> (এখন পাতা শেষ)

আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/
মুক্ত.অর্গ http://mukto.org

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