[Ubuntu-BD] বাংলা ফন্ট ব্রাউজারে ঠিকমতো দেখতে না পাওয়া জনিত সমস্যা

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Fri Jul 15 10:00:57 UTC 2011

৮ জুলাই, ২০১১ ৩:১৪ pm এ তে, Sazzad Hossain <sazzadais at gmail.com> লিখেছে:

> problem been solved but font size is too small
> i tried to increase font size. after doing that not effect.its the same
It would have been great if you told us how you solved the problem.. It will
make this thread complete and in the future any new member facing similar
problem can find the solution here.

Hope you understand :)

Thanking you,
Shahriar Tariq

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance <http://linux.org.bd/>

Team Contact, Ubuntu Bangladesh <https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-bd>

Founding Member, Amigos Clothing <http://amigosclothing.com/>
Personal Blog: আশাবাদীর দিনপঞ্জিকা <http://www.ashabadi.com/>

আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/
মুক্ত.অর্গ http://mukto.org

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