[Ubuntu-BD] Software freedom day celebrated

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Sun Sep 19 05:36:33 BST 2010

As most of the FOSS advocates are aware yesterday (3rd saturday of
september) was Software Freedom day. The day was celebrated by more than 800
groups/lugs/organization around the world and Bangladesh was no exception.
Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance and Bangladesh Open Source Network
celebrated the day in separate events.

those events were somewhat successful with their own sets of merits and
demerits. Its a good thing that people's interest in this arena is
increasing every year. We hope to celebrate the day even larger scale in
upcoming years.....
Thanks to all the attendees who were present at the event.

those events were covered up by following newspapers




if others are aware of other newsletter just let us know.......
Thanking you
Shahriar Tariq

Founding Member, Amigos Clothing

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance http://linux.org.bd

Team Contact, Ubuntu Bangladesh http://www.ubuntu-bd.org/

Endorsement: আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/ and
মুক্ত.অর্গ http://mukto.org

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