[Ubuntu-BD] Youtube Downloader

Junayeed Ahnaf zombiegenerator at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 12:59:17 BST 2010


Which YouTube downloader do you prefer? Been acquainted with few and most of 
them are FireFox addons. I personally use YouTube Downloader + addon in my 
FireFox. But is there any standalone app that'd do the job as neatly as the 
addon does?

Heard VideoCache is one of the best Unix program (Not a program actually it's 
a perl script) but I can't afford spending 139$ for watching video. So any 

And also another question, what is the best way to download video from sites 
other than YouTube (e.g Metacafe, Vimeo etc)?

Thanks is advance.
Junayeed Ahnaf Nirjhor
Documentation Team,
Linux Mint Bangladesh,

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