[Ubuntu-BD] Working On A New Linux Distro - uBangladesh

Abir Sadik abir.sadik at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 10:16:55 BST 2010

just put together the first livecd and the size is just under 1.4gigs...

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Abir Sadik <abir.sadik at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=96be0b241a&view=att&th=1291b37ac6fc46a8&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_ga7qb0qr0&zw
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Abir Sadik <abir.sadik at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:20 AM, Abir Sadik <abir.sadik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 1. gimp is here
>>> 2. wine
>>> 3. compiz
>>> 4. medibuntu
>>> 5. ubuntu restricted extras\
>>> 6. Artha
>>> 7. extcalc
>>> 8. downloader for x'
>>> 9. gwibbr + facebook prism
>>> 10. empathy,evolution
>>> 11. firewall configuration apps
>>> 12. tor, vidalia
>>> 13. supertux2 (love tht game)
>>> 14. blender, fspot, inkscape, xsane, doc viewer
>>> 15. bluefish, monodevelop (for programmrs
>>>  16. arisa transcoder
>>> 17. dvd::rip
>>> 18. cheese, recordmydxtop, screenshot
>>> 19. brasero, vlc,xine
>>> 20. envyng, sysinfo
>>> 21. freespeak, klavero
>>> 22. ubuntu tweak
>>> bleachbit might be too coplicated for average users, and openshot/Pitivi?
>>> in my opinion pitivi is a  more stable thn openshot. anyone suggests mytube
>>> or mero?
>>> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Lenin <lenin at phpxperts.net> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Ovro Niil <ovroniil at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > You can add followings
>>>> > 1. Gimp
>>>> > 2. Openshot Instead of PiTiVi
>>>> > 3. Wine (with winetricks)
>>>> > 4. A dock menu instead of bottom panel (cairo, awn, docky - any one)
>>>> but
>>>> > compositing problem may be faced. In that case use Dockbarx or Talika
>>>> with
>>>> > a
>>>> > Gno-menu
>>>> > 5. Compiz maybe installed.
>>>> > 6. restricted codecs and medibuntu repository can be added
>>>> > 7. Blueman can be added
>>>> > 8. Ubuntu Tweak
>>>> > 9. BleachBit instead of Computer janitor (if you are not adding Ubuntu
>>>> > Tweak)
>>>> Computer Janitor is still very buggy. It rather causes trouble.
>>>> Boot Manager can be added.
>>>> xCHM for chm viewing.
>>>> Any better PDF viewer.
>>>> Mobile media converter as most users are very much interested in these
>>>> sort
>>>> of softs.
>>>> Google Chrome can be added as extra alternate browser side by side with
>>>> FireFox.
>>>> I think the package almost has been declared in full.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Lenin
>>>> --
>>>> Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org
>>>> ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
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