[Ubuntu-BD] KM player for Ubuntu

Ovro Niil ovroniil at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 19:48:59 BST 2010

Surely You can do that. But I don't see any need of KMplayer in Ubuntu. As
Lenin bhai suggested, you can easily install VLC PLayer for your multimedia
puposes. You can install it from the Software Center. Also Install Ubuntu
Restricted Extras from software center.

Well, did you solved your previous sound issue? As you are a newcomer to
Ubuntu I think this
be a little bit handy to you.

2010/6/8 <arafat_ah at ovi.com>

> Hello, can i use km player in ubuntu? How can i do that & how much M.B data
> it will needed to install from internet? Please inform me.
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অভ্রনীল ::: Ovroniil

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