[Ubuntu-BD] Working On A New Linux Distro - uBangladesh

Ovro Niil ovroniil at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 12:18:23 BST 2010

You can add followings
1. Gimp
2. Openshot Instead of PiTiVi
3. Wine (with winetricks)
4. A dock menu instead of bottom panel (cairo, awn, docky - any one) but
compositing problem may be faced. In that case use Dockbarx or Talika with a
5. Compiz maybe installed.
6. restricted codecs and medibuntu repository can be added
7. Blueman can be added
8. Ubuntu Tweak
9. BleachBit instead of Computer janitor (if you are not adding Ubuntu

By the what is the intended size of your distro?

অভ্রনীল ::: Ovroniil

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