[Ubuntu-BD] নেট সংযোগ ঘটাতে পারছি kintu Bngal likhte parchina aar Sound ashchena

Sushanta Kar karsushanta40 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 16:18:54 BST 2010

Friends can you explain me what the text bellow means? I got all these while
following instructions from this link ( step 02):
 +    1        default
      2        default-xim
      3        ibus
      4        lo-gtk
      5        none
*     6        scim
      7        scim-bridge
      8        scim-immodule
      9        th-gtk
      10        th-xim
System wide default for en_IN (or all_ALL) locale is marked with [+].
Press enter to keep the current selection[*], or type selection number: 6

Please install following packages:
  "( scim-anthy or scim-canna or scim-chewing or scim-pinyin or scim-hangul
or scim-prime or scim-skk or scim-tables-additional or scim-m17n or scim-uim
or scim-tables-ja or scim-tables-ko or scim-tables-zh )" .
sushanta40 at sushanta40-desktop:~$ scim-anthy
scim-anthy: command not found
sushanta40 at sushanta40-desktop:~$ scim-tables-additional
scim-tables-additional: command not found
sushanta40 at sushanta40-desktop:~$
---- --- - --
I failed to go beyond.
Abhroneel, I failed to open either of your links from UBUNTU. Please help.
Sushanta Kar

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