[Ubuntu-BD] Ubuntu-Mint

Lenin lenin at phpxperts.net
Tue Jul 27 15:44:44 BST 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Moin Sorif <sobuz24 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Please help me
> 1- i want to Setup Ubuntu10.04 , Isadora , Windows-7 , Xp in one Hard-Disk
> how can i do that (Ubuntu10.04 , Isadora , Windows-7) is Grab loding/ BDC
> system
> 2- Say the Administrator of Ubuntu (example- Mint's Administrator is root)
> 3- how can i use any exe file in Mint by wine softwere
> send ALL info with Screen Shot

Very easy. First install XP on a drive then install Win7 on another.

Now, I'll suggest you to create two individual free unpartitioned spaces.
And then install Mint and/or Ubuntu at any sequence. Though there's almost
no point trying both of them together. Because either Ubuntu or Mint will
give you almost the same experience.

2. You probably did want to say how you can have root permission. You can do
so in any Debian distributions (ie Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc) with the sudo

3. From www.winehq.org get the latest of Wine and by double-clicking you can
run most windows .exe applications. Simply easy.

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