[Ubuntu-BD] Consider to add a session about Programming on Ubuntu

Lenin lenin at phpxperts.net
Thu Jul 15 11:43:34 BST 2010

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Pronabananda Paul <
paul.pronabananda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    Recently from one of the blog Page, I saw that someone had posted about
> our beloved Ubuntu negatively. He wanted to say that Ubuntu is used by only
> the persons  who are dedicated for blogging, typing, hearing song and
> watching video. And according to him, Ubuntu is used only for those
> purposes. For not being the active member of that site I was not able to
> comment on that post.
> But, I request to all for deciding to include a session in our Adda on
> various types of programming(Mono, Ruby etc) on Ubuntu. That will be
> helpful
> for us and also be a good reply for those thiefs who are the pirated
> Windows
> user but not Ubuntu.

First of all Ubuntu is just our OS of choice for ease of use. Gradually a
better distro Mint(derived from Ubuntu) is taking the place. But so far I
found it pretty good with Ubuntu. Main benefit of using Ubuntu is the
facility of the CDs from Canonical to your home.

Ubuntu has server distributions and there are lots of blogs and tutorials
describing how to run professional servers on Ubuntu mainly. Lots of hosts
provide you option to select your OS of choice and there's a high ratio of
Ubuntu being the OS of choice.

True Linux users do not fight with Windows users at all. The best way to
treat trolls as such is being naive and not reacting at all. Its not like
atheism vs theism fight. What suits you, you use it.

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