[Ubuntu-BD] The get together of Ubuntu and Mint users
Zakir Hossain
rajuru at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 20:00:11 BST 2010
what a nice mail!
Just can't wait for it to be happened :).
Best Regard,
http://hungrycoder.xenexbd.com - For novice.
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Shabab Mustafa <shabab.mustafa at gmail.com>wrote:
> Dear Comrades,
> Hope you are all fine.
> I guess we all know about Ubuntu T-shirt project (thanks to Lenin bro for
> his posts). By this project we have experienced some extra ordinary
> experiences and the response was times more than our expectations. Not only
> from Dhaka, but also from all over the country. Some came to Dhaka in
> morning bus, bought 2 pieces of T-shirt and returned in the evening bus. And
> the interesting part is, that was the first time that he traveled to Dhaka
> in his life. And this is only one story of several.
> This kind of responses proves that the level of interest of people in
> Ubuntu and Linux Distros has been increased at a geometric progression in
> last few months. Even people, who always stayed silent in online
> communities, expressed interest about Ubuntu this time.
> By receiving this kind of responses, personally me and Shahriar felt an
> communal responsibility for these people. So, last past few days we were
> brainstorming about how we can do something. By then we got an idea for
> arranging a get together to meet and greet out silent friends.
> The Idea
> ------------
> Well, idea is simple. This time we will meet, chat, discuss, enjoy movies
> and do similar easy going things. This will be not anything like ‘release
> party’ or similar type of gathering. There will be no training or
> demonstration type of thing. We will laugh and make others laugh. Something
> likes a fun carnival. :D
> In this course, I have contacted with our brothers of LinuxMint-BD to join
> with us ( thanks to Ayon Khan and Raju bhai aka the hungrycoder ). And they
> also interested and got excited, too. So, this one gonna be a gathering of
> both Ubuntu and LinuxMint users. And we gave it a name: ‘বন্টু-মিন্টুর
> আড্ডা’ :D
> What will we do?
> -----------------------
> Well, there are several ideas.
> 1. Introduce to ourselves. Meet and know our buddies.
> 2. Enjoy a documentary film together. Selected ‘Revolution OS’ with
> Bangla subtitles for screening this time.
> 3. Experience sharing. Most of us have tons of experiences about Linux.
> How we know about Linux, how much we struggle with it, interesting
> experiences about Linux advocacy and motivating others etc.
> 4. Discuss about future plans. What we can do next to spread out the
> message of FOSS and Linux.
> 5. Few words from the representative our affiliates and associates.
> 6. A temporary shop for collecting Ubuntu and LinuxMint T-shirts,
> Customized DVDs including necessary software (thanks to Shazed bhai),
> Printed user guides (depending on availability of current version)
> 7. May be enjoying some snacks together. (depending on getting sponsor
> for that)
> When and Where?
> --------------------------
> We have found 22nd of July, Friday is convenient. Venue is not set yet,
> because we have no idea about exact number of participants. Primary plan is
> to run a registration campaign to get the idea of that. My personal guess is
> no less than 200 after 3 weeks of campaign / promotion.
> Some Explanations
> -----------------------------
> A. First question is ‘Why movie show?’ Well, the experience says that a
> lot of people out there who are convinced and preaching others about FOSS.
> But many of them have no clear idea about FOSS philosophy and history. So, I
> think ‘Revolution OS’ is a fantastic Documentary for knowing these things.
> And people love to see video together. We have noticed that in Jaunty
> Release Party when we showed the ‘Big Buck Bunny’ and the really enjoyed it.
> B. The customized DVD plan was a long planned thing. It will be
> available in IDB for buy soon (Thanks to Jamil bhai). It can be handy to get
> those DVD in our get together.
> Some progresses and analysis
> ----------------------------------------------
> A. As you know ‘Revolution OS’ is not a free film to get. It’s DVD can
> be found on Amazon.com and some other online shop, which costs $22 excluding
> postal charge. And there is no convenient way to get those DVD legally.
> Under this circumstance, I personally contacted with the Director J.T.S.
> Moore regarding this issue. Mr Moore was kind enough to give us permission
> for screening of ‘Revolution OS’ with a condition of not to copy and
> re-distribute the file. I convey the gratitude to Mr Moore on behalf of the
> community.
> B. We already have 70 Pieces of Ubuntu T-shirt in stock and another 60
> for LinuxMint will be available soon.
> C. As Ankur Bangladesh previously expressed interest to sponsor programs
> of Ubuntu-BD, I have talked with them casually about the snacks sponsorship
> and they said to send them a mail about the plan. I am forwarding this mail
> D. We may need some sponsorship/arrangement for Projector and Sound
> system if the venue (yet to be fixed) doesn’t have those facilities.
> This is the things/progress happened so far. We have 3 weeks for promotion
> of this event to reach the event news to all. There is a fair chance become
> the biggest gathering of Linux User's this time. So, we need to work hard.
> And we need some volunteers to make this event successful, too.
> So, anyone have any suggestions?
> I am adding Raju bhai in CC of this mail, pretending that he is not
> subscribed in this list yet. Requesting Raju bhai to join with us and
> participate in discussion.
> Cheers,
> ---
> Shabab Mustafa
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