[Ubuntu-BD] setting up an ubuntu server

Nasimul Haque nasim.haque at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 09:59:48 GMT 2010

2010/1/26 ~Split_Fire~ <raptor167 at gmail.com>:

> 1. In case of a stable server, which version would be the best to consider?
> Ubuntu or RedHat? Though it may sound as an off-topic to ask about RedHat in
> ubuntu forum, but I would like to have your unbiased suggestion.

People use RedHat EL in server for the direct professional support
from RedHat. Otherwise, there is no advantage using any linux distro
than RHEL. With Ubuntu you can have professional service directly from
Canonical if you need. You can start serving on your own without
paying Canonical and later you can ask for their help with a service
fee. For RedHat server, you must buy it before deploying.

> 2. Since the online repositories of an Ubuntu distro sustains for a certain
> period of time, after that, will there be any problem to run the server? Or
> do I 've to install or update to the latest version in that case? However, I
> will have one ubuntu server and around 30 clients.

Upgrading Ubuntu from one release to newer is very much
straightforward. You just need one command: apt-get dist-upgrade.
However, wait a while before you upgrade to new release. Not always
upgrade will be very stable. I'd say you continue using your installed
release as long as it is supported. In the mean time the new release
will be stable enough to upgrade.

N.B. I haven't seen any other linux distro with a single command
upgrade to new release which works like Debian.

> 3. As I mentioned the server will be a domain, where all user's profiles
> will reside. Where and how I can get to know more about this? If possible,
> kindly forward me necessary links or docs.

This question is not clear to me. However, user's home folder is where
user's data resides. Any user with a shell access will have his own
folder in /home. You have full control of creating user's account,
like a user cannot login to the system, a user cannot have a home
folder, etc. Run man adduser. You'll find a nice doc.

> 4. In fedora, there is a 'kickstart' command to install fedora OS with all
> required packages from server image. Is it, or something similar to this,
> can be implemented in ubuntu? If so, please also forward me those 'how to's
> (links or docs).

It is possible use kickstart in Ubuntu. See here:

M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

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