[Ubuntu-BD] setting up an ubuntu server

~Split_Fire~ raptor167 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 08:04:23 GMT 2010

Dear community,

I think it would be convenient to first introduce myself here as a novice
user in linux. Considering this circumstances, recently I 've decided to (or
dared to) setup an ubuntu server with a domain. Below are the points that I
need to know first, and if you would like to guide me, please be precise as
much as possible as I am a new bee in Linux :-)

1. In case of a stable server, which version would be the best to consider?
Ubuntu or RedHat? Though it may sound as an off-topic to ask about RedHat in
ubuntu forum, but I would like to have your unbiased suggestion.

2. Since the online repositories of an Ubuntu distro sustains for a certain
period of time, after that, will there be any problem to run the server? Or
do I 've to install or update to the latest version in that case? However, I
will have one ubuntu server and around 30 clients.

3. As I mentioned the server will be a domain, where all user's profiles
will reside. Where and how I can get to know more about this? If possible,
kindly forward me necessary links or docs.

4. In fedora, there is a 'kickstart' command to install fedora OS with all
required packages from server image. Is it, or something similar to this,
can be implemented in ubuntu? If so, please also forward me those 'how to's
(links or docs).

While is a new bee, configuring a server from scratch just by asking GOOGLE
would be a cumbersome process. That's why; I would like to seek some initial
idea/help from this forum. I should apologize in advance if my questions
seem like foolish. Any hints/suggestion will highly be appreciated. It would
be a great help indeed!


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