[Ubuntu-BD] কয়েক টা সমস্যা লিনাক্স মিন্ট ৮ এ

সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদ সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদ
Thu Dec 2 14:47:44 GMT 2010

Dear Mr. Habib

What a lame excuse! "Ubuntu means humanity" - it does not permit you to
> discuss other distros here. For specific distros there are specific mailing
> list. How odd it would be looked if I post my "Linux From Scratch" related
> problems here in UbuntuBD mailing list? Does users of Debian seek help in
> Ubuntu Mailing list?
> Does users of Open SUSE seek help in Fedora mailing list? No not at all! It
> is not a mailing list for "Linux as a whole", it is just a Distro specific
> mailing list. Let's just confined our discussion inti Ubuntu AND UBUNTU
> Only! So please don't include problems related Mint, PinguyOS, ZerinOS etc
> here in Ubuntu. Please use distro specific mailing list. If you don't want
> to use distro specific list then please post your problems in
> forum.linux.org.bd, which is a platform for 'linux as a whole'.

Did you have read out the problem that was posted by A Al Sabbir? The same
problem can be found on ubuntu and the solution will be the same as ubuntu
also. So the problem posted here by Mr. Sabbir can be helpful to the ubuntu
users of Bangladesh also. You did not ever focused on the problem posted
here. And I think the conversation you r doing here for the last two posts
is OFFTOPIC. So please focus on your part as a member of the list. Help
someone who is in problem don't make the situation more worse for the

Moderators here knows there duty very well and they are doing it fine.


বিশেষজ্ঞ পরামর্শক, তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি ও তথ্যব্যবস্থাপনা
জালাল আহমেদ স্পিনিং মিলস লিঃ
প্রধান কার্য্যালয়, ইউনুস সেন্টার
৫২-৫৩ দিলকুশা বা/এ, ১৯তলা

সদস্য, উবুন্টু বাংলাদেশ <http://ubuntu-bd.org/>। সদস্য, লিনাক্স মিন্ট
বাংলাদেশ <http://linuxmint-bd.org/about_us>। ব্যক্তিগত ব্লগঃ রিং-দ্য ডন 'র
ব্লগ <http://toshazed.wordpress.com/>

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