[Ubuntu-BD] Announcement of Ubuntu-BD Liaison Person

Shabab Mustafa shabab at linux.org.bd
Tue Aug 31 19:47:54 BST 2010

Dear Members,

For better delegation and organizational convenience, from now on I will be
working as a 'Liaison Person' (যোগাযোগ প্রতিনিধি) of Ubuntu Bangladesh (an
subsidiary of BLUA). My main domain of work will be keeping contact with
other parties on behalf of Ubuntu-BD.

So, if you (or anyone you know) have any query, suggestion, feedback, event
invitation, proposals, complains or anything like these about Ubuntu-BD (not
for tips & tricks) you can reach me by:

shabab at linux.org.bd [Recommended]

01911 93 99 21 [if I don't respond or out of network, please send a SMS]

Thank you.

Shabab Mustafa
Liaison Person
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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