[Ubuntu-BD] IBA, JU Update

Kazi Md. Shahidul Haque Gazi shahidul_cse at y7mail.com
Mon Aug 23 18:36:59 BST 2010

Great !!! 

From: ZM.Mehdi Hassan <mehdi680 at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Bangladesh <ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Mon, 23 August, 2010 9:54:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] IBA, JU Update

Very good news, It is one kind of our victory.

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Shabab Mustafa <shabab at linux.org.bd> wrote:

> Dear Comrades,
> Hope all of you are doing fine.
> Today we were lucky enough to have little chat with the Director of
> Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University, while we
> paid a visit to JU Campus. In the short session of talking The honourable
> director Dr. Mohammad Baktiar Rana shared his linuxing and OS experiences
> with us. He was first introduced with the operating system Ubuntu in
> University of Tokio and was impressed in the early days of Ubuntu. He is
> also a fan of OpenOffice.Org. During the meeting he has expressed his
> honest
> interest about Ubuntu and has invited Ubuntu-BD to have a seminar the
> students of his institute after the Eid Vacation.
> We have also installed Lubuntu on some of the IBA, JU's Student Computer
> Lab's low-powered PC's as test basis. After primary evaluation and
> troubleshooting the whole lab (40 clients and 1 Server) will be migrated in
> Ubuntu and Lubuntu. Gradually, the Teachers Computer Lab and other PC's and
> Laptops.
> Thank you.
> Disclaimers:
> ------------------
> 1. I was visiting there on personal invitation.
> 2. But received the seminar invitation on behalf of Ubuntu-BD community (as
> a team leader).
> 3. The migration, troubleshooting and support processes are not running
> under 'Ubuntu-BD' branding.
> ---
> Shabab Mustafa
> Chief Administrative Officer
> Admin Office
> CapsLock Corporates
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org
> Bangla Linux Forum | http://forum.linux.org.bd
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd

Z.M. Mehdi Hassan
Managing Director
Digital Watch Limited
Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org
Bangla Linux Forum | http://forum.linux.org.bd



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