[Ubuntu-BD] IBA, JU Update

Shabab Mustafa shabab at linux.org.bd
Sat Aug 21 14:44:37 BST 2010

Dear Comrades,

Hope all of you are doing fine.

Today we were lucky enough to have little chat with the Director of
Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University, while we
paid a visit to JU Campus. In the short session of talking The honourable
director Dr. Mohammad Baktiar Rana shared his linuxing and OS experiences
with us. He was first introduced with the operating system Ubuntu in
University of Tokio and was impressed in the early days of Ubuntu. He is
also a fan of OpenOffice.Org. During the meeting he has expressed his honest
interest about Ubuntu and has invited Ubuntu-BD to have a seminar the
students of his institute after the Eid Vacation.

We have also installed Lubuntu on some of the IBA, JU's Student Computer
Lab's low-powered PC's as test basis. After primary evaluation and
troubleshooting the whole lab (40 clients and 1 Server) will be migrated in
Ubuntu and Lubuntu. Gradually, the Teachers Computer Lab and other PC's and

Thank you.

1. I was visiting there on personal invitation.
2. But received the seminar invitation on behalf of Ubuntu-BD community (as
a team leader).
3. The migration, troubleshooting and support processes are not running
under 'Ubuntu-BD' branding.

Shabab Mustafa
Chief Administrative Officer
Admin Office
CapsLock Corporates

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