[Ubuntu-BD] corrupted Ubuntu installation
সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদ
সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদ
Tue Aug 17 19:47:51 BST 2010
Dear Slaven
you wrote :
"I know Linux does not have a safe mode like windows"
Who said that and How do you know that? Do you have guessed or you are over
For your kind information, you will find *recovery mode* in the boot menu
when you are booting up your system on Ubuntu. Please boot your system in
recovery mode and remove all the drivers and packages that you have
installed for the ATI Radeon Card using the following command in terminal:
*sudo apt-get autoremove package_name*
After removing all the packages for the card that you installed earlier,
restart your system. Then try to find the appropriate proprietary and third
party bug free/fixed drivers for your ATI card from:
Drivers* . From here on you may install the approved driver and solve your
problem easily.
Please let us know updates on this issue.
Thank you
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প্রধান কার্য্যালয়, ইউনুস সেন্টার
৫২-৫৩ দিলকুশা বা/এ, ১৯তলা
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বাংলাদেশ <http://linuxmint-bd.org/about_us>। ব্যক্তিগত ব্লগঃ
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