[Ubuntu-BD] installing ubuntu with other os

Abir Sadik abir.sadik at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 23:52:48 BST 2010

you are saying you only need it for your work, so why dont you just run it
in virtualbox? o_O

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:34 AM, সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার
<toshazed at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear just d way u like
> It's a mailing list and please don't use phrases as name.
> For your information, It's possible to have as much OS's installed in your
> system as you want, in different partitions of your system's HDD.
> But in your case as if I am not wrong, You want to install Fedora13 inside
> your WinXP, as you have installed ubuntu inside XP in your system. In my
> opinion it can't be. Because of, as I am acknowledged that, only UBUNTU and
> its derivatives can be installed inside windows with the help of wubi
> technology. And Fedora13 have not merged yet with this kind of
> technologies.
> So if you want to have Fedora13 in your current system, you have make some
> free space on any partition of your hard disk and have a fresh installation
> of Fedora13 on that. You will have all of your existing OS's listed on the
> boot loader.
> With regards, Thank You.
> --
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