[Ubuntu-BD] pdf maker

shiplu shiplu.net at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 02:18:31 BST 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 7:13 AM, maSnun <masnun at gmail.com> wrote:
> .NET applications have .exe files. You have to first install mono and then
> type: mono application.exe on the commandline to run it.

Thats the way to execute a .NET app.
Note this rule isn't applicable to other .exe files. .NET exe files
are special files which are not real windows exe. Rather they are .NET
assembly files. Thats why they can be run with mono. But for normal
windows executable files, mono can handle them. You have to use "wine"
for those.

Shiplu Mokadd.im
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