[Ubuntu-BD] Problem with google chrome

arafat sultan mdarafat2008 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 15:59:44 BST 2010

Dear ring vaia, love and respect to you. Thanks for your message. But
i don't find .chrome or .chromium folder even after viewing the hidden
files in home. What should i do now? Pls tell.

On 8/7/10, সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার <toshazed at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Arafat
> After removing google chrome from synaptic package manager go to your home
> folder. Go to "View" Menu then click on "Show Hidden Files". Then remove the
> *.chrome / .chromium* folder. Then install the Chrome again.
> Inshallah this will solve your problem.
> রিং
> +8801671411437
> --
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