[Ubuntu-BD] WiMax dongle modem

Ubuntu Mirror Maintainer of Bangladesh ubuntu-bd at bauani.org
Sat Aug 7 13:20:06 BST 2010

Hi Asad Bhai

I didn't know you were here! How are you? Hope fine. I think you
already know 2 current issue,

1. Bangladesh has an Ubuntu Mirror (Currently CD ISO Images Only).
Hope to be host the 'Archive version' so that people can get hi speed
' apt-get' package management.
2. You can now get an IPv6 Connectivity from an Small ISP. If you need
knock me.

Oh, this is public mailing list. Let me introduce Asad Bhai, Asad Bhai
is one of person who silently working to deploy Free Software / OS in
corporate level. I don't want to disclose his corporate Identity.
Right Guru?

Ahamed Bauani

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Asaduzzaman <asad at transcombd.com> wrote:
> Guru!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bauani at gmail.com [mailto:bauani at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Ubuntu Mirror Maintainer of Bangladesh
> Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 2:11 AM
> To: Ubuntu Bangladesh
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] WiMax dongle modem
> The WiMax Provider don't have time to think about other operating system, either MAC or  Linux or anything. They just want to sell their account with Hugh download option.
> I survey some of WiMax Provider's Membership Form, where I found you will get almost 1/4th of upload. After signup you will get the highest bandwidth of package you bought. Almost any time you will find full bandwidth (Download only).  All WiMax Provider in Bangladesh has to connect to Internet 1 of 2 IIGW (BTCL or Mango Tel) or both. And Both IIGW have no option to sell asymmetric bandwidth.  So the where they use 3/4th of upload bandwidth?
> My Personal Monitoring is shows about 30 to 40% of bandwidth they use illegal work so that their Usage Graph show Hugh difference between upload & download bandwidth.
> Oke, that's BTRC or Other authority's job to checkout what's going on, people are getting low cost high speed bandwidth. Country's Economy?
> Tax Payment? Revenue Earning of Government? Nothing Bother Us/Them or me, User getting low cost Internet, they are happy, Provider making black money using camouflage of User they are happy. Where everybody is happy, why people like me shout ?!
> Ahamed Bauani
> 2010/8/6 Shishir Nath <shishir.nath at hotmail.com>:
>> The USB dongle will nt work in Ubuntu or linux system , their is no
>> ubuntu supported dongol yet
>>> Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 12:59:07 +0600
>>> From: saeed.sas at gmail.com
>>> To: ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] WiMax dongle modem
>>> qubee dongle usb modem.
>>> 2010/8/3 Shishir Nath <shishir.nath at hotmail.com>
>>> >
>>> > May I know brothers we taking about which modem . Cause I've used a
>>> > wimax
>>> > modem(QUBEE) & working nicely .
>>> >
>>> > > Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 00:23:21 +0600
>>> > > From: sarim2005 at gmail.com
>>> > > To: ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > > Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] WiMax dongle modem
>>> > >
>>> > > তারুণ্য ভাই সমস্যাটি অত সহজে সমাধান হয় না। দয়া করে একটু
>>> > > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1539288 লিংকটি পড়ে
>>> > > দেখুন। আপ্র ডাউন থাকায় ......................
>>> > > ওখানে দেখা গেছে কিউবির মডেমটাও লিনাক্স সাপোর্টেড হওয়া সত্ত্বেও
>>> > > কাজ হয় নাই এখন পর্যন্ত। মডসুইচ ইন্সটল করার পর ম্যানুয়ালি মডসুইচ
>>> > > দিয়ে মডেমটা সুইচ করতে হয়। তারপরও dmesg তে মডেম ডিটেক্ট করে নি।
>>> > > আমি modprobe করতে বলেছি , যদিও সেটার ফিডব্যাক এখনও পাইনি।
>>> > >
>>> > > ফলে বুঝা যাচ্ছে মডেমগুলা এখনও পুরাপুরি লিনাক্স সাপোর্টেড হয় নাই।
>>> > > ঝামেলা করে ইন্সটল করতে হবে।
>>> > > --
>>> > > Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org
>>> > > ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
>> --
>> Ubuntu Bangladesh | http://ubuntu-bd.org ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
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