[Ubuntu-BD] Must read!

Nasimul Haque nasim.haque at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 20:12:14 BST 2010

Mark proved his leadership again. A very nicely written article about
fanboyism or fanaticism or tribalism (a fancy word tossed by him
representing the distro fans).


This is a must read for everyone. My software is better than yours
does not mean your job is useless. It also does not mean everything
you do is bad and all my things are good.

Please read it carefully and try to understand it. This article is
very important for now-a-days. As we have successfully made a strong
field for the Open-source movement in Bangladesh, it is a must to know
thyself. It is absolutely crucial to have a friendly environment to
move forward our passion about Ubuntu, or Linux, or in broad sense the
Open-source. The recent unfortunate mishaps that happened here is very
misleading to the outer world. Therefore, we need to respect each
other. Even in a red-hot debate it is possible to not take things
personally. I love to argument on things. It is a learning process.
However, this leaning process also requires some education. Mark's
article can teach us a lot of things. It is not a long article. It is
short and sweet. I hope we all will try to read it.


M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

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