[Ubuntu-BD] এত আপডেট নিয়ে কি যে করি
Nasimul Haque
nasim.haque at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 10:45:58 BST 2009
2009/7/24 I am aero <aero4k at gmail.com>:
> ধন্যবাদ। কিন্তু আমি compiz এবং cups চাই না। কি করতে পারি? Hal এরও কি
> দরকার আছে? আমার ডিসপ্লে সমস্যাটা এখনও দূর হয়নাই। এটার সমাধান কি হয়ে
> যেতে পারে?
On topic, you need to uninstall the software that you don't want in
your system. If you don't want compiz, uninstall it. Then you will not
get the updates for it. Cups and Hal are system requirement. They must
be updated with your system. The updates are very small and you are
not forced to restart after updating. So, I really don't understand
why it is annoying. Everyone can download GBs of movies but complains
if one has to download few MBs for updates. That's really beyond me.
Also, the downloads are truly resumable. If internet dies, you can
resume the download from where it stopped.
It is not a good idea to wait for a long time to patch the system like
service packs does. You should patch whenever there's a problem.
M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK
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