[Ubuntu-BD] এত আপডেট নিয়ে কি যে করি

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Fri Jul 24 07:16:50 BST 2009

Someone once told me: "you are not a fool because you don't know the answer,
but you are a fool when you have the answer but you don't know that".

on your first email you did mention about IMPORTANT SECURITY UPDATES.......
should have noticed that...

আজ ২৪ জুলাই, উবুন্টু ৯.০৪ এর Update Maganer নিচের আপডেটগুলো প্রস্তাব
> করছে। এতগুলো আপডেটের মধ্যে ঠিক কোনগুলো আমার প্রয়োজন বুঝতে পারছিনা।
> *Important security updates*
> dbus- simple interprocess messaging system (size: 185KB)
> dbux-x11- simple ineterprocess messaging system (x11 deps) (size: 39 KB)
> dhcp3-client- DHCP client (size: 248 KB)
> dhcp3-common- common files used by all the dhcp3* packages (size: 308 KB)
> libdbus-1-3- simple interprocess messaging system (size: 121 KB)
> libpulse-browse0- PulseAudio client libraries (zeroconf support) (size: 30
> KB)
> libpulse0- PulseAudio client libraries (size: 177 KB)
> libpulsecore9- PulseAudio sound server core (size: 221 KB)
> libpurple-bin- multi-protocol instant messaging library-extra
> utilities (size: 95 KB)
> libpurple0- multi-protocol instant messaging library (size: 1.0 MB)
> libruby1.8- Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8 (size: 1.0 MB)
> libtiff4- Tag Image file Format (TIFF) library (size: 123 KB)
> pidgin- graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X (size: 507
> KB)
> pidgin-data- multi protocol instant messaging client - date files (size:
> 1.0 MB)
> pulseaudio- Pulseaudio sound server (size: 402 KB)
> pulseaudio-esound-compat- Pulseaudio ESO compativility layer (size: 29 KB)
> pulseaudio-module-gconf- GConf module for PulseAudio sound server (size: 12
> KB)
> pulseaudio-module-hal- HAL device detection module for PulseAudio
> sound server (size: 19 KB)
> pulseaudio-module-x11- X11 module for PulseAudio sound server (size: 17 KB)
> pulseaudio-utils- Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server
> (sze 172 KB)
> ruby1.8- Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.8
> (size 230 KB)

Thanking you

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance http://linux.org.bd

Marketing & Contents Officer, Ubuntu Bangladesh

Endorsement: আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/ and
মুক্ত.অর্গ http://mukto.org

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