[Ubuntu-BD] গ্রাফিক্স কার্ড সমস্যা

Ashiqur Rahman Angel angel at linux.org.bd
Sat Jul 11 21:34:32 BST 2009

I am glad, it worked. :P

Well, the story is, recently I have bought a new PC. It has Intel GMA X4500
HD integrated graphics card, which is the best built in graphics card ever
made in history of Intel (Dx 10, Open GL 2, Pixel Shadder 4).

However, problem started, when I tried to install Fedora 10, GUI installer
didn´t work. Same thing with Ubuntu and other major distros (so far I have
tried more then 10 distros). However later, using VESA graphics driver I
could install and run Fedora 10 and Ubutnu 8.10 / 9.04. But I have a wide
screen LCD, and VESA does not support wide screen resolution properly yet.
And it is a pain 1024*768 resolution in a wide screen monitor. So I did a
little digging in Google. And what I found it didn´t help me solving my
problem, but, because of continuously playing with xorg, I think, I
understand now, what is an xorg actually does (at least in case of Intel

In case of Ubuntu 9.04 what I found:

Intel manages its drivers in an exemplary open source way, but 2D and 3D
acceleration has fairly much dragged so far. The reason is an unhappy
pairing of the current Kernel 2.6.28's Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) with
Intel's new UXA acceleration architecture that replaces EXA and the newly
added Graphics Execution Manager (GEM) in the Kernel. So if you reverting to
the old xorg Intel driver which has not any UXA acceleration or GEM, so it
will work fine (though in some case 3D acceleration won´t work).

In case of Fedora 11, Intel driver has not any problem because, it enables
KMS by default for Intel chipsets.

PS: First time, it could not find the xorg driver, because you just added
two new repo, but you didn´t update the cache.  So, you had to type ¨sudo
apt-get update¨ to update the package database before installing the xorg

2009/7/12 Muntasirur Rahman (Rumman) <rumman_eee at yahoo.com>

> কি জাদু দেখাইলেন ভাই। সব টাইপের ভিডিও দেখতে পারতাছি। কি বলে যে ধন্যবাদ
> দিবো!! আমারে আর windows এ যাইতেই হবে না। বিল কাকু রে গুডবাই।
> ভাই কি বলবেন - এতো কাহিনি করতে হইলো কেন?

0DF8 3CD4 AFE3 68C6 2CDA 9F17 14B8 1A15 E5F7 73C2

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