[Ubuntu-BD] Unable to attend the meeting
Russell John
russell.john at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 7 09:30:24 GMT 2009
The channel log is here:
2009/12/7 tanjir <orko_147 at yahoo.com>:
> I will be in exam during the meeting... :( Can any one please summarize or take meeting minute and post that in the mailing list?
> As I won't be able to attend... and I really really wanted to discuss some issues... I am writing them down here. If some one can present this on behalf of me, I will be grateful. :)
> I am aware of Ubuntu, Fedora and BLUA activities in Bangladesh... Besides we have organizations like Ankur (and some more I can't remember of). Do we have any FOSS specific organization? Because all the above groups fall under FOSS. I believe FOSS can be an umbrella to all the groups and societies. This came to my mind when people come to any of these group and they get lost cause they don't know what they are looking for (the only thing they know there is something "cool" going on). For example, for any Linux related problem we have BLUA and specific linux we have ubuntu-bd and fedora-bd. What about the Gimp users in Windows/Mac platform and so on? I have seen a lot of people to argue that they have "original" version of windows and that is the end of the world- rest of the softwares are pirated. FOSS can take care of such problem. Our technical forums and blogs are currently doing great job in this issue. A lot of people might be interested in FOSS
> activities (as well as software development) if they know FOSS softwares can be developed in other commercial platforms as well. Specially the TV program or other media promotion we are talking about, they won't draw much attention if regular users can not relate them to the problem.
> -----
> tanjir
> visit http://www.tanjir.net
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Russell John | Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance
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