[ Ubuntu-BD ] 10 hilarious anti-Microsoft quotes :)

Russell John russell.john at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 9 18:45:28 BST 2008

Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. 'No' is the answer!

Check out http://forum.linux.org.bd/viewtopic.php?t=602 for more!

On 09/09/2008, Omi Azad <me at omiazad.net> wrote:

> 1) People say that if you play Microsoft CD's backwards, you hear
>  satanic things, but that's nothing, because if you play them forwards,
>  they install Windows.
>  2) The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed LINUX.
>  3) In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?
>  4) Microsoft: "You've got questions. We've got dancing paperclips."
>  5) MICROSOFT = Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only
>  Fools Teenagers
>  6) Windows has detected you do not have a keyboard. Press 'F9" to continue.
>  7) Use The Best...
>  Linux for Servers
>  Mac for Graphics
>  Palm for Mobility
>  Windows for Solitaire
>  8) Software is like sex: It's better when it's free.
>  9) Unix, DOS and Windows...the good, the bad and the ugly.
>  10) ACs are like computers- Both work fine until you open Windows!
>  Which is your favorite quote among these?
>  --
>  --
>  Omi Azad <http://omi.net.bd> *|* +8803894550305 *|* Contributor of
>  Ekushey <http://ekushey.org>
> --
>  ubuntu-bd mailing list
>  ubuntu-bd at lists.ubuntu.com
>  https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd

No Microsoft products were used in the preparation or transmission of
this message.

Russell John | Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance
1024D/91F003D2 | (+88) 0161-Russell | http://russelljohn.info

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