[Ubuntu-BD] FW: Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Wed Oct 15 16:40:30 BST 2008


can't stop laughing :))

Mr. Salim Rahman please let us know how much money you get from M$. I
promise If anyone gets any money from M$ for this chain-email I will give
him/her 10% in Bangladeshi Taka.

Even if M$ paid money I would have never followed this chain. Do you really
think we are into FOSS movement for easy recognition or quick money?

Well personally I am not against M$, as a business firm it did what anyone
would have wanted to do, I just hate M$ they just did everything very

Finally I am thinking of sending another chain email to these morons stating

Maark Richard ShuttleWorth
Cannonical Inc.
All humans on the face of earth and also to the humans living in the space

Hello my fellow humans
I am Maark Richard ShuttleWorth, (Ladies, in case if you don't know me just
google my name I am sure my resume will impress you ;) ) Since you YTBGU
(*yet to be grown ups) are so eager to get rich so quickly by doing nothing
at all I have decided to give you a fine business proposal, You do want to
hear the proposition right??

Lately my dear friend Billy from Micro$oft has been great pain in my ass, so
I have come up with an original idea to get even with him> I hereby announce
no declare that I will pay double the rate Billy is paying. Let make it more
clear shall we?

Proposition 1
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Cannonical will pay you
$465.50 (after tax, sorry you have to be good citizen and pay tax right?),

Proposition 2
For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Cannonical will
pay you $461.70 (again after tax)

Proposition 3
The great part is for every third person that receives it, you will be paid
$457.90 (yes this time you guessed right! its after tax).

Although I prefer giving checks under present conditions for your
convenience Cannonical will contact you within two weeks to your email
detailing the procedure how you collect your money.

Maark Richard ShuttleWorth
-Money for Humanity


Normally I am against spamming or any other unethical activities, but I
can't help myself when these fools don't want to grow up & just keep forward
me stupid chainmails

Now vote for it or against it ;P

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