[Ubuntu-BD] Ubuntu 8.10 Repository : DVD ISO

Shahriar Tariq tariq086 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 18:50:50 GMT 2008

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:26 AM, dark lord <darklord2007 at gmail.com> wrote:

> office edition = all kind of app that can be useful to office corporate
> user Oo.o 3 must + xfce + less multimedia support + good support for
> networking,internet communication that ubu already hav + simplest lightest
> possible.

I have a question... will Office edition offer development environment? (for
software developers or web developers??).How we identify what's required in
Office environment?
Excluding multimedia support altogether is not a good idea, office
environment also sometimes need multimedia playback option, if not for
entertainment, for presentation purpose for sure.

> Multimedia edition for regular user = kde latest may be gnome too for giv
> users choice + exclude Oo.o include small office app + all multimedia
>  support  codec+ 3gp converter , mp3 ripper , non-linear video
> editor,rythombox/banshee + wine +  compiz if possible provid restricted
> graphic card driver too for manual installation.

Well we have to consider size factor. If we want them all in 700MB cd then
its not possible.
I don't want restricted extras to be installed by default (but will be
available in the cd/dvd).

I can help for doc manual or xfce localization.
that is really nice.

What will be the condition of repo? I mean, will we use Ubuntu
(xubuntu/kubuntu whatever) repo? Why we have to based on Ubuntu not try with
debian? any idea?


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