[Ubuntu-BD] উবুন্টু ৮.১০ তে অফলাইনে ওপেন অফিস ৩.০ ইন্সটল করার সহজ উপায়!

shiplu shiplu.net at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 21:23:38 GMT 2008

The article is really a good one.

In fact in linux/opensource arena, compile, modify, customize  an open
source application is very common. People hardly rely on built in
applications.I play neogeo games, for this I always compile gngeo
emulator cause its never get ported to any distro. If someone is using
gutsy he can compile/build the kde4 to get the new kde flavor.  and
this is the way to install software that is not built in.

A K M Mokaddim
Stop Top Posting !!

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